Russian-Chinese conference

«Non-economic drivers
of economic growth»

June 22, 2024

Российско-Китайская конференция

«Неэкономические факторы
экономического роста»

22 июня 2024

Русская версия (RU)
В период с 17 декабря по 23 декабря 2023 г. делегация Вологодского научного центра РАН в составе заместителя директора к.э.н. Бабич Л.В., заведующего центром финансовых исследований к.э.н. Печенской-Полищук М.А., заместителя заведующего отделом исследования уровня и образа жизни населения к.э.н. Морева М.В. посетила Академию общественных наук провинции Цзянси (Китайская Народная Республика).
On October 28, 2022, in the framework of long-term cooperation between Vologda Research Center, RAS and Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences, and on the eve of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the conte
On October 26, 2021, in the framework of the 10-year cooperation between VolRC RAS and the Academy of Social Sciences of Jiangxi Province, and on the eve of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian-Chinese conference “Problems and development opportunities of domestic markets and domestic consumption of Russia and China” was held on the basis of Vologda Research Center of RAS. Scientists discussed current issues of development of the regions of the two countries and exchanged experience in solving urgent economic and social problems.
On December 7, 2020 a Russian-Chinese online conference “Study of Sustainable and Stable Socio-Economic Development under Pandemic Conditions” was held with the participation of employees of the Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Social Sciences of Jiangxi Province. The event was held in order to increase the effectiveness and expand cooperation between VolRC RAS and the Academy of Social Sciences of Jiangxi, and to deepen scientific research and exchange of experience between the organizations.
On May 21–24, 2019 employees of Vologda Research Center of RAS visited Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences (Nanchang, China). The purpose of the visit was to participate in the scientific Chinese-Russian seminar “Integration of Cultural Tourism as a Factor of Qualitative Development of Territories’ Economy”. The delegation included A. Shabunova, director, Doctor of Sciences (Economics); E. Mazilov, head of department, Candidate of Sciences (Economics); E. Lukin, deputy head of department, Leading Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Economics); M. Gruzdeva, head of laboratory, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Sciences (Economics). The seminar covered trends and problems of tourism development in Russia and China, both at the regional and national levels. Reports of the Russian and Chinese scientists were devoted to the influence of tourism on the territories’ development, development of separate types of tourism, including scientific, business, rural, ecological and event tourism. The researchers shared the experience of state support in their countries and discussed the prospects for relations between Russia and China in the field of tourism.
May 21–25, 2018, in the framework of cooperation between the Vologda Research Center RAS and the Academy of Social Sciences of Jiangxi Province, another visit of the delegation of scientists of VolRC RAS to Nanchang was held. The scientists exchanged experiences on the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy for rural areas, discussed the development of scientific cooperation and interaction between the Academy and VolRC RAS, and visited the production agricultural facilities (“New Socialist Village” Xihu Li Family Village) and places of cultural and historical heritage (the palace complex “Forbidden City”, the Temple of Heaven, Tengwang pavilion).
On October 10, 2017, the Russian-Chinese seminar “Economic and Social Resources of Development of the Regions of Russia and China” was held in Vologda. Scientists from Vologda Research Center and the Institute of Industrial Economics of the Academy of Social Sciences of China discussed the choice of strategies for regional development, the problems of rural areas in Russia and China, the role of business in socio-economic development, the development of e-commerce, and non-commodity exports.
On October 13, 2016 on the basis of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS (Vologda) the Russian-Chinese seminar “Issues of Formation and Realization of Internal Development Potential of Russian and Chinese Regions” will be held. The seminar is organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories RAS, and the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of China (Jiangxi Province). The seminar is devoted to the discussion of problems of socio-economic development of territories of Russia and China.
On May 16–20, 2016, in the framework of cooperation between ISEDT RAS and the Academy of Social Sciences of Jiangxi Province (China) a regular visit of ISEDT RAS delegation to Nanchang (previous visits took place in 2012, 2013 and 2014). During the visit, ISEDT RAS staff (K. Gulin, O. Kalachikova, S. Kozhevnikov) took part in the Chinese-Russian scientific seminar “Promotion of “green economy” based on innovation”, discussed the publication of a joint monograph, visited several industrial enterprises: the automobile manufacturing company (Jianling Motors Import & Export Co, Ltd.), a biopharmaceutical enterprise (HUIREN Group Co., Ltd.), and a smartphone manufacturing enterprise (HIPAD Communication, Science and Technology Co., Ltd.). At the end of the visit, the parties agreed to continue the development of scientific cooperation in a number of areas.
On September 23, 2015 on the basis of the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS (Vologda) the Russian-Chinese seminar “Socio-Economic Modernization of Territories of Russia and China: Experience, Problems, and Prospects for Business Participation” will be held. The seminar is organized by the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories RAS, and the Academy of Social Sciences of the Republic of China (Jiangxi Province). The seminar is devoted to the discussion of problems of socio-economic development of territories of Russia and China.
From September 21–25, 2014 a delegation of the Academy of Sciences of Jiangxi Province (China) made a return visit to Russia. It took place within the framework of the agreement on cooperation between ISEDT RAS and the Academy of Sciences of Jiangxi Province, signed in May of this year in China. The program of the five-day visit of Chinese scientists to Russia, organized by ISEDT RAS, included sightseeing in Moscow and Saint Petersburg, but the main part of it took place on the Vologda land.
From May 15-21, scientists from the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences visited the People’s Republic of China. Aleksandra Shabunova, Head of the Department for the Study of Living Standards and Lifestyles, Doctor of Sciences (Economics), told about the prospects of cooperation with China's scientists, the problems of China and general impressions of the visit.